Monday, 17 September 2012

Tea...a Drink with Jam and Bread

Newest thing, getting in stuff. Laundry basket, toy basket, dishwasher, drawers, everything except his bed. If it keeps him occupied, not melting down(another new hobby of his) and gives me 15 minutes of extra coffee time in the morning, I'll take it. Explanation for the red gunk on his sleeve and face, Daddy made us toast with jam for breakfast.
Hope you like our newly decorated page! It only took me one whole day, but since I've got nothin' but time on my hands, it wasn't too bad. Let me know what you think! 
Thanks for reading! xox
P.S. Happy Birthday to a wonderful friend. Check out her amazing photographs at  



Unknown said...

Oh goodness the crawling in the tupperware drawer. Arielle did that too, she'd call from the kitchen 'Mommy where Arielle.' and then when I'd come in she'd pop out of the cupboard 'Here I are!'

I agree if they are happy and not melting down it's a win! :) Love the new layout! I'm still playing around with mine, it's boring at the moment but I'm hoping to change that soon! :)

Tim, Vicki + Jaeger said...

I love the broken baby english, can't wait until Jaeger talks! I love the shabby blogs website, she makes it way easier to customize your blog then you would think. I'm totally html clueless and I did it :) I'm trying to teach myself more but its a learning curve or sure!

Unknown said...

Shabby blogs? hmm I'm going to have to check that out, I'd rather do something custom then one of the regular templates. Definitely a project for me when I find the time. Your comment section is coming out looking more like mine it any easier for people?

Jusi said...

Oh I love him!!! i miss him, what a rascal boy!

Jaydes said...

Thanks for the birthday shout out friend!

g said...


gramma said...

hi! I love this page!

M said...

Vic - your page looks great! I love it! Also, love all the pics! He is so cute!!!! :)

M said...

Vic - your page looks great! I love it! Also, love all the pics! He is so cute!!!! :)

Tim, Vicki + Jaeger said...

Thanks Mandy! Who knew I was this techy :) I sure didn't! Glad you like the photo's!