Monday, 27 August 2012

Baby Boy is One

On August ninth we celebrated Jaeger's first birthday. It was such a blessing to have our families celebrate this very important day with us. The weather was perfect and our little man was in great mood (which is always a blessing when it comes to a one year old). We were so thankful for everyone who helped make his day so special. My sister-in-law spent hours with me making all the decor, my parents opened their backyard and helped prepare everything that day, some came early to help set up. Everyone gave Jaeger such thoughtful gifts to open.  My talented photographer friend took the most amazing pictures which we will cherish forever. ( ) We can't wait to show them to Jaeger when he is older so he will always know how important and special he is to us. We feel so blessed to live in a time where we are able to document every moment with our beautiful baby boy. We can't believe our baby is one. This incredible year has flown by and we are so blessed and filled with gratitude that God gave us Jaeger.

Happy Birthday Jaeger




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hes so cute, i can't wait to see him again and squish him while he freaks out, we know how much he loves a good hug :)