Friday, 16 November 2012


Imagine if we had three....
Wow we would be busy...

So we have been saving up to get a new couch  FOREVER...and today was the day to go out looking. Yay black Friday! We took Jaeger along and he loved it! Jaeger and I have been cooped up in the house all week because he has had a cold, so we were both happy to get out into civilization. He loved all the small chairs for little people. 
He was running around the Brick like a lunatic until he saw the giant TV's. Lucky for him they were playing cartoons. We had to peel him away from the electronics when it was time to move on. :) 
So we ended up snagging a great deal on a couch and we are now super pumped to say goodbye to big blue.  Stay tuned to see photo's of our new chesterfield!

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Pumpkin Patch Pals

A few days before we had to leave, we all went to Neufeld Farm's to take some photo's in their ever-so-festive pumpkin patch. We are not sure how much fun Hudson had, but Jaeger appreciated certain aspects, like sitting on the tractor, however that was about it. Luckily we were able to snatch a banana from the stand and use it as bribery. 

 My little innocent baby gently admiring a festive pumpkin in his adorable Halloween Costume right before he shoplift. 

 Luckily Auntie Jusi caught the thievery before it was too late.

 And he's done.

 He sees a cat!
Adios kitty!