Friday, 16 November 2012


Imagine if we had three....
Wow we would be busy...

So we have been saving up to get a new couch  FOREVER...and today was the day to go out looking. Yay black Friday! We took Jaeger along and he loved it! Jaeger and I have been cooped up in the house all week because he has had a cold, so we were both happy to get out into civilization. He loved all the small chairs for little people. 
He was running around the Brick like a lunatic until he saw the giant TV's. Lucky for him they were playing cartoons. We had to peel him away from the electronics when it was time to move on. :) 
So we ended up snagging a great deal on a couch and we are now super pumped to say goodbye to big blue.  Stay tuned to see photo's of our new chesterfield!

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Pumpkin Patch Pals

A few days before we had to leave, we all went to Neufeld Farm's to take some photo's in their ever-so-festive pumpkin patch. We are not sure how much fun Hudson had, but Jaeger appreciated certain aspects, like sitting on the tractor, however that was about it. Luckily we were able to snatch a banana from the stand and use it as bribery. 

 My little innocent baby gently admiring a festive pumpkin in his adorable Halloween Costume right before he shoplift. 

 Luckily Auntie Jusi caught the thievery before it was too late.

 And he's done.

 He sees a cat!
Adios kitty!

Monday, 29 October 2012

Hometown Glory

I am waaaaaaaaaay behind in blogging....I do apologize! Jaeger and I went "home" to Abbotsford for ten days in October; it was great! We saw a ton of family and friends which was long overdue. I had been missing everyone like crazy. It was so nice to have a social life again, even if only for a short ten days. I am very much looking forward to seeing everyone again at the end of November. Tim wasn't as impressed with us being gone, which I can understand, he missed Jaeger a lot...I guess me too :) Here is the highlight reel of our homecation!!

                Someone missed his Gramma
Big Kiss for Hudsy poo

 Lots of cuddles with Gramma
Playing with cousins!
 Jaeger is not impressed that the girls aren't sharing...
Finally....Jaegers turn.
  Nora, Mila and Jaeger having cousin fun at Nana's.
  Some Epp-Hoehn Fun


   Watching Do Re Me with Ope's
Playing at Auntie Jusi's

   What a face!                                                    

Thank you to everyone who had us over, entertained us and fed us! We loved seeing all of you...I wish I would have been more diligent in busting my camera out, I will try and do better when we see you in November!. 

Here is a sneak peak of my next post, Jaeger and Hudson had their own little photo shoot at the Neufeld Farms pumpkin patch. Don't miss it!

Friday, 28 September 2012

The Poop Eater

How could a boy this sweet put CAT POOP in his mouth! Shortly after this picture was taken I went inside to take a bath while Tim and Jaeger stayed outside to play. I can't blame Tim because he is a very attentive Dad, but Jaeger is stealth. I think he has this radar for knowing when exactly it is that we take our eyes off of him. Realistically Tim probably wasn't watching him for 45 seconds and BAM....poop in mouth. It didn't help that Tim kept calling him "Catty" all night. So Gross.

What are we gonna do with this boy!

I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity.

                                        -- Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

"Grandma's my name, spoil'ins my game."

So on Tuesday night we got a call from Gramma and Grampa enquiring what we were doing for dinner Thursday night. They told us they were going to drive up for one night and have dinner and breakfast with us the following morning. We were elated! Obviously I had to get right to work, baking bread, folding my giant pile of laundry, planning dinner and dessert, CLEANING! It was our first visit from "company" and what better company then Gramma and Grampa! Luckily for me, Jaeger plays very well on his own and enjoys reading himself a good book. I was able to get all my stuff done while he caught up on some reading.

They arrived at 5:30 after a long day of driving and we had a wonderful visit. Gramma read to Jaeger and put him to bed. This also happened to be his first night going down with out a bottle so it was a good thing we had a professional Gramma to do the job. He loved it!

Meanwhile....Tim was showing Grampa all kinds of nifty tricks on their computer. It kept them busy most of the evening, but I think their computer is working well thanks to Tim's technical skills.

All in all it was so exciting to have them come up to visit us. We can't wait for visit number two! Tim said to me a couple hours after they had left that it felt like it feels the day after Christmas is over. Such a sensitive chap :) 

(This little quote I found seemed just too appropriate)

My granddaughter came to spend a few weeks with me, and I decided to teach her to sew.  After I had gone through a lengthy explanation of how to thread the machine, she stepped back, put her hands on her hips, and said in disbelief, "You mean you can do all that, but you can't play my Game Boy?"  ~Author Unknown

Monday, 17 September 2012

Tea...a Drink with Jam and Bread

Newest thing, getting in stuff. Laundry basket, toy basket, dishwasher, drawers, everything except his bed. If it keeps him occupied, not melting down(another new hobby of his) and gives me 15 minutes of extra coffee time in the morning, I'll take it. Explanation for the red gunk on his sleeve and face, Daddy made us toast with jam for breakfast.
Hope you like our newly decorated page! It only took me one whole day, but since I've got nothin' but time on my hands, it wasn't too bad. Let me know what you think! 
Thanks for reading! xox
P.S. Happy Birthday to a wonderful friend. Check out her amazing photographs at  


Friday, 14 September 2012

Boys Bath, Men Shower

Bath time is always somewhat of a challenge. Trying to keep him sitting is hard. We know he knows he is supposed to sit, but he doesn't seem to appreciate the art of listening. We are working on that. So yesterday I thought I'd wash my hair. Even though I rarely run into another human being other then Tim and Jaeger, I figure I better keep groomed just in case I do. A potential friend could be lurking just around the corner. It just so happened Jaeger had desecrated his diaper right before I planned to shower so I figured, what the heck, I'd take him in with me. What's the worst that could happen? If you know our child, you know that's a dangerous question. Turns out we found his new favourite pass time. He just stood in the shower, ignoring all the toys I had thrown in for him. He loved the hot water running down his head and back. I actually left him in after I got out and he remained a pillar of stillness under the water with a glazed over look on his face. I've never seen him not move a muscle for so long. 
So after dinner instead of his normal bath time with Daddy, we thought we'd try again. He was more mobile, but he loved it just the same.
And the best for last...
Thanks for reading!!
A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her shower, when the doorbell rings. The wife quickly wraps herself in a towel and runs downstairs. When she opens the door, there stands Bob, the next door neighbor. Before she says a word, Bob says, "I'll give you
$500 to drop that towel,"

After thinking for a moment, the woman drops her towel and stands naked in front of Bob. After a few seconds, Bob hands her $500 and leaves. The woman wraps back up in the towel and goes back upstairs. When she gets to the bathroom, her husband asks, "Who was that?" "It was Bob the next door neighbor," she replies. "Great!" the husband says, "did he say anything about the $500 he owes me?"